The Initial Wedding Inquiry Email Response Template Customizable

The Initial Wedding Inquiry Email Response Template Customizable

Sale Price:CA$25.00 Original Price:CA$35.00

Writers block? Your initial email to your client needs to be able to answer most of their questions and draw them in all in one. Allowing them to feel like they already know you and feel that connection.

This initial email is sooooo crucial in taking a prospect and turning them into a paying client.

Which also leads to closing the "sale." It does not just stop at sending the initial email and hoping they respond, In order to close the sale you need to FOLLOW UP.

TIP* The paycheck is in the followup

As much as you want them to get to know you, you also can't make this initial email all about

YOU and your business. You still obviously need to sell yourself but there is a none cringe way to do that.

Instead of just talking about yourself and your STORY try talking about your vision, you're why, and what they can expect from you when they book you.

So telling them about your style and how you like to shoot or how you like the messy imperfect photos is a good indication of what they will be getting when they hire you.

The questionnaire below was inspired by Violet Light Photography from a workshop I attended years ago. This was one huge take away I gained from that experience and I have implemented it in my business ever since and I believe it has helped me take prospects/leads to paying clients.

With her permission I am going to share this with you below!

The little blurb can be about your business and your vision for your art but the questionnaire itself should be totally about your couple. Asking them questions like how did you meet, what is the most important thing your looking forward to on your wedding day are great questions to ask and figure out who your client is and what their goals are and if those resinate with you and what you have to offer. Remember as much as they are interviewing YOU, you are also interviewing THEM. This questionnaire will help you decide if you will be a good fit.

You want to ask questions that in turn will give you a better grasp as to if you will be a good fit. Will your business and your vision for your business help to achieve the goals of your client?

Does your clients goal and vision for their day align with your goals and vision?

You can find out a lot in the initial email response but you have to have a solidified initial email crafted in the first place to do that.

TIP * have this email already automated (mine is through dubsado) so that when someone fills out a form on your website they are instantly sent this "initial email" questionnaire. This totally helps with managing your time and using a platform like dubsado to your advantage.

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